A Day at Philips Island

Friday, October 9, 2009

Melbourne, here we come!

My own internal mommy war has started even before I am back to work. The day I knew I am going back to work, I began viewing everything through the telescopes lens of a person with limited time.

The time I do have with you is a scarce resource, precious as black pearls. And I do want to do something special with you before reality sets in and life has to go on. Therefore, I have decided to go ahead and bring forward our holiday plans!

I know most babies your age would have travelled at least half the world but you have just gotten your passport last week. I have been conflicting myself with the decision to bring you overseas ever since you turned 6 months old. I can imagine the fun and excitement travelling with you but I was living up to my reputation of a paranoid mum. Not too sure if I was hormonal or was just gripped by catastrophic fantasies. I was insecure and not confident to travel with you. I was just not ready. Thousands of 'what ifs' swam in my head. What if you fall sick? What if you are uncomfortable on the flight? What if you can't sleep well? I was afraid I couldn't protect you. These what ifs are enough for me to delay our travelling plans till now.

I reminded myself that the dawn of my SAHM status is going to be over in a finger snap, so savour every second with you now and just heed my gut instincts and do what I want us to do! So Daddy and I are bringing you to Melbourne this coming Wednesday! We want to have a get away before I goes back to work. This is our first family trip and you are going to meet all your uncles and aunts and lots of cousins there for the very first time! You may not know but we have a big family scattered everywhere in Australia.

This is a very special trip to Melbourne, Marsh. Theoretically, this is your second trip there. My last visit was dated back to Dec 2007 when I was already pregnant with you without realising it. I wonder and am curious if you can still recall and maybe find the place familiar?

Anyway, although this is going to be a short trip, it is like a homecoming for us. I have tons of things to pack for you. I better get started. I am excited, are you ?

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