A Day at Philips Island

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Overnight Celebration

To celebrate Daddy's birthday this year, we checked into the Swissotel Hotel over the weekend. We couldn't squeeze in a holiday as Daddy is always so busy. But... anyway.

After checking in at the lobby, we headed up to our room on the 37th floor. When I opened the door for you, you peeped in suspiciously before following Daddy into the room. After walking up and down surveying the bathroom and the magnificent view we had from our window, you made yourself very at home on the king sized bed.

After lazing in the room for some time, we went made it out of the door and wandered around. Shopping is a must and getting new toys for you (Again!) before heading to dinner. It felt good to be able to take our own sweet time and not worry about schedules.

We had dinner at Fruit Paradise Cafe because Daddy wants his favourite Fried Ebi curry rice and the tarts on display looked too good to give them a miss. So we had Japanese rice and Marshy had ramen and we shared a yummy chocolate banana tart for dessert.

Then we headed back to the hotel to laze. You were so mesmerised by the night view from our balcony that you just stood there and stare at all the cars, lights and the Ferry wheel. And the next morning, you insisted in having your breakfast next to the window.

Surprisingly, you went to bed earlier than I expected. I guess my darling Marshy wanted to give this exhausted mummy a break and some time to relax and enjoy myself too. Or perhaps you knew we were going swimming the next morning!

The two days passed quickly. We had fun. It was as awesome as holiday can get without leaving the country. It was really a welcome break. And I am actually looking forward to our upcoming real holiday.

Marshy was wondering when is this lift ride going to end.

Posing on the comfy big bed.

Ummm. Room service. What shall I order for brunch?

Marshy and her new Lego sets to keep herself entertained.

Marshy couldn't stop staring at the spectacular night view from our balcony.

Mummy, come check out the lights!

Marshy in her favourite spot enjoying her breakfast and taking in the morning sunshine

And making funny faces for the camera.

Playing with her own shadow.

Me and Mickey Mouse going shopping!

Having lunch at the KopiTiam at the Swissotel after our swim.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Splish.. Splash with Daddy!

You finally went swimming. With Daddy that is. In the winking waters. You squealed and you flapped. My little sunshine with the scarlet glow, showing off your juicy thighs in its chubby glory.

What is swimming without a taste of water? You had multiple gulps of mineral water and we laughed it off. Swimming is definately more fun with daddy. We must try to do it more often because Marshy loves it so. We must. We must. For Marshy.

On the way to the pool after slapping on thick layers of sunblock.

Daddy cueing Marshy to taking a Deep breath before submerging you into the waters!

Getting a ride from Daddy.

Having serious fun with Daddy!

Daddy, where are my Oakly shades?

Hey mummy, come and join us!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

This is the second time you are celebrating Daddy's birthday. And it seems we are going to be stuck with Barney cake for some time. Everytime I ask you : What cake shall we get for, baby? The answer is always: Barney Cake! Barney Cake!

So we got a Barney cake for Daddy and Daddy's precious. You cant wait till I got the cake out for you to blow out the candles together with Daddy. You share a special bond with daddy. A really special one. You are really a daddy's girl, alright.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Reading together

Last month I got upset with myself for missing the Borders Fair at Singapore Expo. For as long as I can remember, I seldom missed Book Fairs. Because I love to read. And I love how reading makes my mind work. I love how it transports me right smack into someone's life and thoughts. It made me feel alive. An escapade from my own life.

Despite how much I love reading, I hadnt been making it my priority. Life had swung out of control and I was barely keeping my head above the waters. Therefore, I have not been setting a good example for you. Again, I stew in my guilt.

Then I decided enough is enough. I whisked you up and brought you to the library despite feeling exhausted from work. Well, anyway the fatigue that has been constantly absorbing me cannot be any worse. So we arrived at the library and I spent the next few hours picking up behind you while you amused yourself non stop with all your finds.

I am so glad we made this trip to the library. I felt rejuvenated even after all the running after you. The rest of the things in my life didnt just go away, they still swirled on but I feel more balanced now. Ready to embrace life again. A date with you is definately a perfect remedy for a work-battled soul and body.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's FUN In the Night Garden

After almost 2 years of being a mummy, I have come to realise that babies change their minds fast. Without any warning or signs to look out for. You used to love eating Babymelts and Mueller Little stars yogurt. And this foolish mummy stock up heaps of them so that you 'll never run out of supplies. But one day, you woke up and decided your palette has changed and looked at the once 'Yummy' snacks with disgust.

Once upon a time, you were so impressed and besotted by Barney. To my dismay.You live and breath Barney and again mommy bought Barney pillow, Barney cups, Barney DVDs, Barney books and the list goes on.

And history has to repeats itself.

One day, you just stopped watching Barney. And now you are obsessed with Daisy. And I mean OBSESSED. Daisy, Daisy... makka pakka... iggle.. from the UK programme- In the night Garden.

But I am silently happy that you have finally fallen in love with the show. It is one of the shows that I approve and like as well. (OMG. Did I say APPROVE?) But I am just not sure how long is this interest going to last. And this time round, darling. I am restricting myself from getting all the toys, stickers, products related to the show. Not to mention that they are not easily accessible in Singapore. I have to order from the on line stores.

This show is about a community of toy characters in a magical place call the night garden that exists between waking and sleeping in a child's imagination. How sweet and cool can that be?These characters are so lovable and the whole show is fill with bright colours, flowers and imaginary figures that weaves a love of innocence and purity. It may not be the usual educational children programmes that are bursting with educational values. But I love it for its simpleness, creativeness and its own sense of humour. I hope that would impact on your imagination powers and give you the capacity to be creative and imaginative. And most importantly, In the Night Garden is about fun and inspiring.

These are the development benefits I have always hope to ins til in you on your journey to having a simple but inspiring and fun life! So stay tuned, Marshy!

Marshy's favourite character- Daisy.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


So I have been doing a bit of school hopping. Instead of looking seriously for a preschool for you next year, I have been trying out some highly rated enrichment classes. Let me recollect- Kindermusik, GUG, LNT, Staccato, JG, Josiah Monstessori, Zoophonics. And the search goes on. Hoping to find one that meet my expectations. And I am sticking with Zoophonics for the next term so I guess it's not so bad.

You started Zoophonics some time back. It is a bilingual class and I am switching you to the English class next term if we are still around. So, you know what I mean. although the Chinese class is only about 30 mins, it is a waste of time. The teacher is hilarious, pardon me but it's true. She speaks funny. (And no, she is not a Chinese Native.It's not her accent but her pronunciation) and dances funny. Trust me, I am really not trying to be rude here but if you ask me, it is really funny but I am taking it with a pinch of salt and trying my best not to laugh out loud.

Today was a little wet, but not drippy enough to skip Zoo. We are going to the Zoo... zoo....zooo!

The Big 20

Twenty months twinkled by but something remains the same. You are woven into my heart. Milestones are piling up like bricks in the bucket. And I sure hope this is the last month when you grow out of your fit throwing.

We have had a bunch going on lately that I must pause to remember. Remember to take more pictures of you and etch these pictures and thoughts into this piece of cyber memory.

Are you twenty months old already, my dear?

I am still so besotted, smitten and head over heels in love with you. Just because I'm so blessed.

Happy Twenty, Marshy. I'm so blessed you are mine.