A Day at Philips Island

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Letting go

She would have been 91 today if she is still around. I still remembered the very cosy last birthday celebration we had for her last year. And I still remembered how it felt to hold her bony hands.

We visited her yesterday. To tell her we remembered her birthday. Tonight I let the tears flow and the memories spill. How else do you remember? I don't know.

I ask if she can hear me? If there is a heaven, will she be happy?

They say she will. It's the best for her. It's just time to let go. And I know it's true.

She 's gone now. She has become a piece of the blue sky. And I have to move on.

It helps to know she is no longer in pain.

But the point is- I had a grandma. I am sure I am going to see her again. But until then, our relationship continues

So goodbye, granny. You'll be happy up there. Won't you?

Farewell for now. I miss you lots. Oh yes, Happy Birthday........

Please Remember the Fun times

This is definitely a fantastic prelude to your turning 18 months. A long wait since we wait listed to start you in JG's Playclub. 7 years ago, I babysitted your cousin Val for one of the lessons in Playclub. The experience was awesome and I have then decided my little one is going to Playclub someday too.
So today you are commencing your Playclub journey on the eve of your turning 18 months.The sky was endlessly blue and I dress you in tshirt and shorts and put on your new school bag, and off we went to school.

Hand in hand, small and complete We spent a grand day there with both of us dancing and singing. You love the music segment. You were dancing with your hands midway up in the air, wild waves, gleeful- faced.

I was just happy to spend time with you.

Marshy, please tell me you are going to remember all the fun times we have had?

Marshy's new 'schoolbag'

I am bringing my giraffe to school.

Let's go, mum!
Keri is in Playclub!

School's ended! Any homework?

I want more!

Heading home.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Incredibly Sweet

Soft toys are your favourite. You are into hugging your cuddlies now. And today, little blue eyed puppy is your favourite. You are hugging, kissing, cuddling and picking something off the air and feeding your little pup your drool. Looking at how you rest your head on little blue eyed puppy as if it were your loveley. It melted me.

You are impossibly sweet.

On days when I find myself hanging onto fading dreams, I look over to you. And I feel life 's good again.


I can hold it this way...... And looking demure...

Or I can run with it.

Or I can squat and do an Ah Lian pose with it. :p
My wristlet and loving it!

I am not a Bag person. Expect to see me lugging the same bag for a long time. But you have a bag fetish. We are not talking about diaper bags here. You love my bags and you lovvve to hold on to your own bags. That 's great news for me.

Maybe next time we can share our bags.

Big plans, Big trips

We had fun. We had joy in Aussieland . And it's almost 3 months since , it's time for another one. Just us, boxed off from the world. It is time to fill the pages in our travel journal again with coloured pictures.
My baby, where are we heading to this time?

One of these days, you and I are going to be travellers, not just tourists. We are going to travel to the furthest land to watch the sunset and swim in every ocean on this planet.
We are ready to go.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Words I say

Hi, wanna talk?

I am all ready to talk!

Come on! Dont be shy!

oops... Did I talk too much?

I was so caught up typing away when you came up to me. Face still flushed and tapped my arm to get my attention and said: MaMa, moo moo cheezeeeee.
You wanted your Laughing Cow Cheese.
These days, you talk and talk and talk. Excitedly all the time. The way u babble talking in exclamation marks, punctuated with peals of silver laughter.

And you say these word in the cutest way with your signature glow on your face :

1. Hop
2. PoPo
3. jiejie
4. YeeMa
5. Gorgor
6. Dad
7. Star
8. moon
9. Nenee (Barney)
10. Bop (Baby Bop)
11. work
12. gonggong
13. Bye
14. Hi
15. Five
16. kitty
17. mom
18. shoes
19. socks
20. gaigai
21. ball
22. no no no
23. bear bear
24. mouse (mickey)
25. bread
27. yes
28. do re mi
30. meow
31. dog
32. bubble
33. please
34. one
35. two
36. three
37. soup
38. hot
39. auntie
41. duck
42 Momo (elmo)
43. Big bird
44. walk
45. Spid ( spider)
46. Flour (flower)
47. me
48. jump
50. fff (fish)
51. milk
52. oh oh (is this a word?)
53. sleep
54. bu yao'- dont want in Chinese
55. Nana (banana)
56. Sits
57. Flap Flap
58. Horse
59. Yeeyee
60. play
61 balloon
62. press
63 peekboo (peekaboo)
64. nice
65 .wave
66. tap
67. No more
68. cheers
69. thanks
70. take
71. where
72. Goal!
73. four
74. roll
75. BGee (BJ)
76. DuoDuo (greatgrandmother)
77. I luv u
78. k (Ok)
79 Yang (sayang)
80. up
81. down
82. high
83. car
84. don't
85. C U (see you)
86. Ba (bus)
87. spoil
88. shame shame
89. Kiwi (her own NAME-Keri)
90. fine
91. bird
92 stickers
94 apples
95. hug
96. moomoo cheeze
97. chair
98. what?
99. pop
100. catch
101 books
102. sure
103. orange
104. pink
105. Ma Ma
106. play!
107. bowl
108. eye
110. ear
111. face
112 mow- mouth
113. tee- teeth
114. hand
115. beat
116. knock
117. more
118. draw
119. blue
120. read
121. sun
You are definitely talking more than that. You make us laugh even when you sleep because sometimes you forgot to stop talking. Some mornings, you start blabbering even before you open your sleepy eyes.
Talk, baby. Keep Talking. Mummy is listening.
Every word is magic. Every milestone is a miracle.

Friday, January 22, 2010

One year On......

Just a year ago, you were this chubby soft mush who cant even sit. And one year on, you are one toddler with a jaunty spring in your steps.

Looking at these photos taken one year apart at Studio Loft, i can't help wondering where did all the time go? How did it disappear, before i could clutch hold of it, vanishing before i could keep it close to my heart?

Baby no more.

But in a good way.
I supposed.
A big part of me wants you to be a baby always. My baby.
You are now a big big girl I so so love. My big baby, still bubblegummy. Still wearing your heart on your sleeve. My biggest blessing.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Me and my Entourage

You are loving your chummy company. You enamoured yourself with all things lovely. Barney, Garfield, Micky mouse, elmo, care bear, pooh bear, puppy...and many more. I guess it is really awesome to be surrounded by the things u love.

You are coming on your own now. With whims and fancies and the occasional screams and cries.

But to hear your infectious laughter while amusing yourself with your entourage. There's really nothing more to ask for.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Burn on, Not burn Out!

A Toddler and a Day Job

Job description

Hours- Constant
Time Off-zilch
All food and entertainment provided by you
Must be good at athletes and home repairs and making mince interesting
Strictly no sick pay, No holiday pay, hell NO PAY!
Would you take the job?

My days are getting challenging as work picks up its tempo. By 9pm, I am either dead or more dead. Unfortunately, I'm not blogging as often as I'd like now because I am working full time and chasing after a 17 month old toddler who only functions on RUN.

I guess today is one of the days when I feel a grey as saturated as the sky outside. Maybe I need to just lie down.

I have no more strength. I am dizzy with contentedness.

But like all mums, I love my progeny with a primal passion. For every bad afternoon, there are ten superb afternoons. For every tantrum there is a cuddle. for every broken sleepless night, there is a walk in through the park on a wonderful day. For every crankiness, there is a stranger smile on the street.

I am happily busy and busy being happy.

But I need a rest. Even though I don't need to rest constantly. I need to break away from the routine so that my mind can rest.

It's break from all of this, to find my soul once again and get back in touch with what's important and meaningful.

I 'm supposed to be working. But I can't seem to do anything but scroll through your pictures. And you make everything better. My little cheer upper.

The perfect remedy for a work battered soul.

Shopping Diva

The festive weeks had been a long one. And now with Chinese New Year near, we are caught up in the shopping whirl.
These days, we spoil ourselves silly with your company. You shopped far and out with us. All over town. With you, we had delightful shopping trips. With you, we had develop an addiction. For you and shopping for you.
You are mesmerised by anything and everything on shopping trips . And it's contagious, this love for learning, for life.

Life is as good as you want it to be. Live it.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Daily Dish

It's been awhile since I last updated on your daily diet. Great changes. Now that you are a growing toddler and I am not around for most of your mealtimes. Extra efforts to ensure you are still following my choice of diet for you. I still do the marketing and planning of menus and popo will do the execution.
I realise your palate change as your taste buds develop. you used to turn your nose up at my cheese sauce but lately you chomp down 3 cubes of cheese at julia gabriel. Recently I had unwillingly noticed some signs of you becoming a picky eater. You have great potential of being one. For your record, both Dad and myself are really fussy eaters ourselves.

Therefore, healthy eating is the single most important gift that I can give you. And I have to start early. it is much easier to prevent a poor diet than to remedy one.

Food, I think is vital to the mother-child relationship. A new born baby's first feed is an iconic bonding moment. That nurturing tie lasts all our lives (at least for the mums!)Every daily meal is an expression of love. Even now, my mum is driven by that compulsion, the absolute need to keep me alive and well through food.

For the record, your meals schedule:

8am- 240ml of Enfagrow milk

10am- breakfast (wholemeal bread or cookies)

1230pm- Lunch (Porridge/macaroni/pasta stars/ noodles cook with vegetable/meat stock with fish and 2 types of vegetables)

3pm- 240ml of Enfagrow milk

430pm- Teatime (Bread/Yogurt/ Biscuits/cheese)

630pm - Dinner (Rice with double boil soup/Chicken or Beef or Pork + steam Egg + 2 types vegetables)

730pm- Fruits (Banana or Kiwi or Oranges or Grapes or Apples..... whatever in season)

0930-1 piece of wholemeal bread with cheese or vegemite or peanut butter. Or pigeon cookies

1130pm- 240 ml of Enfagrow milk

You are starting to get sick of your usual diet. I see signs of you being suspicious about your foods at mealtimes. I am scratching my head and researching on cooking recipes now. Anybody out there can help? I need recipes that are fun as well as healthy.

I have been restricting you on any other kind of drinks other than water. Yes, plain old water. That is good for you. Your only beverage for the last 17 months. (besides milk, of course) Don't feel deprived, my dear. Believe in your mama! But all these are going to change now that you are approaching toddler hood.

I have got your drinks menu ready. Now, if we can just complete your food menu before next month.....
Stay happy and healthy!