A Day at Philips Island

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Food Glorious Food

I have never been interested in cooking until you came along. In fact both your dad and me were never adventurous in food. Friends always label us boring when it comes to food. I have never worry about food nutrition but now I wonder what kind of ingredients/ diet I am giving you.

Most importantly, I love watching you savouring your food. You seem to love everything that I cook for you (except pasta in cheece). You are a great motivation and inspiration!

I have a record book to record down all the foods that go into your tummy to ensure you have a balance diet. YOur enjoyment in food really inspire me to source for more nutritious yum yum for you. I started to do some research and read books.

And thanks to Auntie Ameeta who gave us our first baby's cook book from Annabel Karmel. This book started me going! I love bringing you along on my supermarket trips to look for fresh and nutritonal ingredients. And I tried to give you organic whenever possible. So your diet is now 99% organic. I have had many people commenting on my decision to go organic. It is a personal choice and a mother's choice. So to all these people- pls reserve your views to yourself. Thank you.

I want you to be a happy and healthy baby!

Our First Christmas together! 2008

My Grandmother

Just came back from the nursing home. Your great grandma is in critical condition. My beloved grandma. Feel so sad when I saw her. I held her hands for some time and talked to her. Though she is unconscious, I know she knows I was there.

I want you to know our story.

She is the only grandmother I know in my life. We have been very closed. She stayed with us all her life till last year we put her in a nursing home so that she can get better care. She took care of your auntie Carol and me since young. She has always been a loving granny to us. She is the traditonal lady who has slogged her life for her family and very submissive to her husband. And she pampers her sons like all old ladies their generation did. The only vibe or recreation for her is her love for majong and cards (not poker cards but the old tradional chinese cards).

Nevertheless, after so many years of brain stimulation from the games, she is still not spared from getting dysmential at old age.

I remembered when she was placed in a rehab home 5 years ago for 2 weeks after she fell and broke her leg. I visited her everyday without fail. She told everyone at the home that I was her best grandchild and she knows I love her alot. I am so happy to hear that . I was always with her for all hospital visits and I will take her for outings at the beach and for lunches.

But I am feeling really guilty because I have not been spending alot of time with her for the recent two years. Too much has happened for the last 2 years. It has been a roller coaster 2 years for me. And it has been more downs than ups . The only sunshine is you. You are the only good thing that had happened to me since 2007 Sept.

However, she was getting older and weaker by the day. Her dsymential was worsening although she still recognises us. Til recently, the illness has gotten to the last stage and she is refusing food totally. The doctors had told us to be mentally prepared and make the decision. We have decided to let nature take its course. We will never be ready to let her go. It is a painful decision that has to be made.

Her name is Tew Juat Go. My Grandmother.

I wish you have a chance to know her.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Peek A Boo


A- Boo Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Your Favourite game of the moment.

First Tooth

15 March 2009

My marshmellow's first tooth has sprouted! Cool! check it out!

Bad Mommy

16 May 2009

I broke my promise today. I promised you on the 13th Feb 2009 (Friday the 13th) when you had your first fall that I will never allow that to happen again. But you fell off the bed again today :(

Sorry sweetheart, I am so so sorry. Why am I so careless? I remembered very clearly the first time. I left you in the middle of the bed with pillows around after your bath and left the room. After a few seconds, Daddy and myself heard a loud 'thump!' I dashed in the room and found you on the floor. I carried you up and hugged you tight. You were crying and I was crying too. After a while, I was crying even louder than you were. You stopped and turned and stared at me for a few secs before continuing to cry. YOu must be wondering why am i stealing your show???

This time round, you fell right in front of me. I turned away from you for one second to talk to your dad and the next second you were on the floor!!!! I carried you up and hugged you tight and we cried together again. sob sob... Thankfully, your dad was around for the two times to do the right thing. He took over you and pacified you before giving you a thorough check. To make sure you are not hurt or bruised.

Nobody can understand the pain i felt unless you are a mother. The flood of guilt and love that swarms every ounce of you. I wish I were the one who fell. I hate myself for letting you fall. Thank goodness you are alright or I 'll never forgive myself.

Now I understand why the mother hen would fiercely protect over her chicks. Because this is what mothers do. A natural instinct to protect our little ones.

Sorry, Marsh. Mommy is really very sorry.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


27 March 2009


I am officially a SAHM from today onwards. Ha Ha. I never imagine I could stop working in my life before. It has never crosses my mind to be a SAHM. But somebody told me that life has its own way of unfolding itself. Everything will falls into place nicely when the right time comes.

The time has come for me to take charge of my life and focus on the most important part - you. To think about it, I have to be grateful to 'Them' to let me witness all your milestones and play a very important part in your childhood memories. My marshmellow is growing up so fast and I realised how much I need to commit all these wonderful moments of hers to memory!

I am treasuring every moment with you now. I want to be able to wake up with you, bath, feed, play, watch you when you nap and put you to bed and say goodnight to you everyday. I want to watch you grow.... I want to be able to do these simple things in life with you. Therefore, I am treasuring all the time I have with you now..

I know I do not have too much time with you and the time's going to be up real soon. So darling, let's enjoy while it lasts.

The present is the PRESENT.

I think I am suffering from separation anxiety from you.

Our First CNY together

Took you for your first photoshoot during CNY. You are so cute even with little hair!!!

Little Neuro Tree

16 May 2009

Today we went for your first LNT's trial class. I signed you up for 3 trials and let's see from here. This is your first 'proper' class. you know- sitting down in a classroom with whiteboard, chair and table. I was really excited. And your first lesson happened to be a japanese lesson! cool, huh?

YOur Japanese sensei conducted the class of three (YOu, Trudy and a boy) in mostly japanese with little bit of English. We did many activities with lots of handmade toys. I found this abit irrelevant to babies your age because you girls were busy putting all the toys in your mouths! Anyway, but we enjoyed the flashcards with the songs. Really cool.

The next lesson is a Chinese class. So let's see.

I havent make up my mind to sign you up until we try Gymboree or JG. hmmm....

Grasshopper's Concert

9 May 2009

Went to watch Grasshopper's Concert tonight. Yes dear, you are right. Grasshopper- A boy band who was very popular in the 90s. Not some kind of bugs... In fact, I have been looking forward to it for the whole week.

I enjoyed the concert. I always enjoy going for Live concerts. The atmostphere just energise me. You may find it hard to believe that I used to idolise Anita Mui and Leslie Chung in my younger days. Love them and their canto hits... But unfortunately, both passed away in the year 2003. Yeah, I lost both my idols within a year. Sad, isnt it?

I remembered the feelings vividly when I learnt about their deaths. A strange feeling of emptyness. I mean, I dont even know them in person but it felt like I am losing some part of my life. Gone. Forever.

Tonight's concert was special. Grasshopper did a medly of Anita Mui's and Leslie Chung's songs to honour them. In the midst of it, I can actually feel and hear them again! It was as if they are alive again. I was feeling their presense through Grasshopper. Their Legends continue.

At that moment, it all make sense to me. You are here to complete my life. When the day I am gone, you will be continuing my life in your very own special way. And memories are forever...

Thursday, May 14, 2009


13th May 2009

Today Daddy's friend-Uncle L came over to do your first official photoshoot. (besides the last one during CNY). You were good. And the pictures turned out to be amazing. Enough said. Check it out!


This is my favourite . You are an angel.

Monday, May 11, 2009

My 1st Mother's Day with Marsh

10 May 2009

Today is Mother's Day. My first mother's day with you. No celebration, no present. While all the mommies from the forum were busy celebrating, it was just another sunday spent at home for me. Nobody give me a present on your behalf or to thank me for being a good mom mom for the last 9 months. Maybe I am not a good mum in his eyes?? I should have gotten used to it. I have no 'push present' too. Not a word of gratitude.

I am not whining. I am accepting this. I have been told over the years Not to have any expectations. Accept life as it is.

But I am looking forward to next year's mother's day and the next, next next..... till one year my baby marsh will be able to wish me : happy Mother's Day. That 's all it matters, Marsh. I know it is worth the wait.

Anyway, I am giving you and myself our first mother's day gift so that you can remember this day. It is not ready yet but will post here upon ready. I an really excited!!!!!

Happy mother' s day to all the great mommies in the world.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Guess what, marsh? Your first school in life is Kindermusik, your first teacher is Ms Angeline and your first classmate is Trudy. Am sure you will not recall any of these but I want to help you remember the wonderful memories you had there.

You had finished one term of zoombuggy and now we had just started another term of Dream Pillow. I am really enjoying all the lessons with you.. although both my wrists are at the verge of breaking from carrying you. But I am just glad that I am able to be here and create these memories with you.

And we have to thank Daddy for trying his best to free himself to fetch us there almost every week.

Mom made friends with some really nice mommies there and we are meeting for coffee next week. So excited!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My marshmellow turns 9 months!

1st May 2009

My Marshmellow choosing her own gift.

Better blog this before i forget. Today my marshmellow turns 9 months! 9.5kg 66cm.

I cant remember how it started but i always make a point to celebrate on the 1st of every month since your birth on 1st August 2008. I would definately take leave when i was still working then to spend the day with you.

It is not a big celebration but just something different. maybe a dinner or getting a gift for you on that day. Last month, when you turned 8 months, we had dinner with my family and Uncle Quinn from Melbourne!

It has become a norm to do so every month. The first day of the month has become very meaningful to me and i just want to celebrate you. I m glad we pick the first of August to welcome you out of my tummy! You symbolise a new begining. Rebirth......you are a miracle in my life.

And I am gradually getting your Dad to be part of this. This time round, we went to toysrus in Novena. Wanted to get you a toy since you love all your toys so much. We ended getting 3 toys for you. haha... quite common for your dad to do so.... At the same time, we bought an activity table for uncle jonathan's son.

Happy 9 months, my darling marsh!


Finally i know how to do the blog about the past months. i shall just utilise the photos taken and also my failing memory to assist me. And i shall catagorise them under months or dates (if i can recall them) ......mmm... hope it works.

Monday, May 4, 2009


These days I have so many ideas and thoughts running through my head about what to write on this blog but I never get to do it. It is just so difficult becos I am doing back dated blogging. The main reason to do this blog is to share with you on your journey with me since you arrived 9 months ago just in case I am not able to do so in the future. But you had just turned 9 months old few days ago and that means 9 months of outstanding stories to be shared here... ha ha... guess I am the only lazy mummy around doing this. But hey, it is always better to be late than never! So my mashmellow, rem this- it is always not too late to start anything.

My resolution for u, darling- Start blogging everyday starting NOW. (but u have to help me keep this resolution by being good so that I have the time, ok?)

Luv u, marsh!