A Day at Philips Island

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Magazine Cover

This is our First Magazine cover together! Cool? Haha....

My Favourite Pics with You!


Just an update. Milestones.

You started using straw since last weekend (20 June). You are really a fast learner. I gave you the straw in your magmag cup and left you to practise yourself. After a few tries, you started drinking like a pro from the straw!

To think that I was still procrastinating about changing the sippy cup to the straw all this while! I guess I should have more confidence in your potential.

My Marsh and me

23rd June 2009

Today I brought you to Changi beach. The weather was great and breezy. We sat there, you in my arms and we looked at the beautiful sea and its choppy waters and the passing ships. Then aeroplanes flew past and were just above our heads because we were so near to the airport. You had a great time looking at the bluish grey sky, pointing at the blue blue sea and blabbling with the sea gulls/ birds and trying your best to catch the sea breeze. At that moment, I felt like the happiest person in the world. I know you will not remember any of this when you grow up but trust me, Marsh, I will always remember this day.

Nowadays I look at you and wonder where has all the time gone to? You are definately not a newborn baby anymore. I am always in this dilemma. SOmetimes I wish I could turn back the clock and hold my little baby snuggly in my arms again.

But at the same time, I am looking forward to the time when you are old enough to know and share life together with me. I want to bring you to many many places. Star gazing, beaches hopping, picnics by the sea, movies, travelling...

I am really looking forward to watch you grow and creating these memories together with you but concurrently i wish the time will freeze so that you will always be my little marshmellow.

Mosquitoe Bites

Last Sunday you were bitten by mosquitoes on your face. Not on your legs, not on your hands but your FACE!! I freaked out and started feeling so guilty about it. Everyday before I leave you in your exersauer as I prepare your lunch, I would make sure that your arms and legs are sprayed with California Baby's Bug repellant. But the damn mosquitoes actually attacked your face instead.

Despite the baby oilment I put for you, the spots were red and angry. I was really full of guilt and blamed myself for letting this happened. Your daddy and aunt Carol consoled me by saying that these are just mosquitoes bites and they heal in no time. But I was really paranoid about it and kept cleaning and putting oilment and calendula cream for you. Aunt Carol said I am mad. I think I am. Because I just ordered 2 bottles of California Baby's bug repellant spray and lotion and bought some mosquitoes patches for you.

Then that day I was blog hopping and came to read about this little girl call Vera and her life journey living with Trisomy 18. Tears starting streaming down my face as I read about her life and her wonderful parents. Their dept of love and comittment to little Vera is so unconditional.
I try to put myself in their shoes but I cant. They are really really great parents.

I feel so small as compared to them and what they are doing for their little girl. They love her with all their hearts irregardless of anything and everything. Just because she is their little girl.

You can read about her story at http://mylittlevera.blogspot.com/

To think that I am worrying about the mosquitoe bites on your face. How shallow can I be?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Food Glorious Food

I have been wanting to post an update on your gastronomic adventures since your arrival in middle earth. SO at 10.5 months of age, this is an updated list of what you had ingested so far:

sweet potato
butternut squash
Green beans
French Beans

Apples/ Bananas/ Pears/ Guavas/ Mangoes /Papayas/ Peach/ Apricots


Misc/ Supplements
silverfish powder/ Flaxseed/ Lentil/ Tofu/ Yogurt (vanilla)/ cheese/ unsalted butter/ wholemeal bread/ Pasta stars/ Brown rice/ Japanese rice/ eggs/ Barley cereal/ multigrain cereal/ wolfberry/ chinese yam/ toothipeg/ pigeon biscults (all kinds)

Did i miss anything? I think i did.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The sound of Music

Music is said to be the spiritual of the arts because it is pure vibration of which the Universe is composed. That was the reason why I exposed you to many musical instruments and started you with Kindermusik at 6 months old. Dont get me wrong, Marsh. I dont expect you to be a genius musician. Just want you to be in touch with your music instincts and live your life harmonisely with the Universe.

Last week we were at your Cousins' place and you had your first try at the piano. Good attempt, dear!

The sound of Music

Let me choose a Classical note...

Well... Got to digest the notes first...

The sound of Music

A Duet with Cousin Vanness...

And a Solo Finale!!!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Showering you with Love Our Way

29th May 2009

Today a big box was delivered to our house filled with your Gap loots. The box consists of the following:
2 pairs of jeans
1 pair shades
1 pair of shoes
5 dresses
5 blouses
1 pair of mittens

Your dad has cultivated this buying habit since your arrival. He would make an effort to browse and pick clothes for you every quarterly. The Gap loots are to prepare for your 12-18 months.

You were mostly dressed in RL since birth as that was your dad's favourite brand of the moment. Then we have the Burberry and occasional CK and Baby Dior. I buy you Fox baby, Old Navy and all the quirky unbranded staff.

We love dressing you up. Many have advised us to quit buying you clothes because you outgrow them faster than anything. This applies to your enormous collection of toys too.. They are so right but this is one of our weakness for you.

One of our many weaknesses for you.
One of the many avenues to shower you with our love.

It is probably not the appropriate way. But then iagain who is to judge the right way of loving you? It is our way and you are our baby.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Dancing with Baby

One of my favourite activities these days is to dance with you. It is such a wonderful bonding and special experience. It also give you a chance to relive some of the time spent in my womb when you move with me, within the amniotic paradise.

We dance to all kinds of music. From lullaby to mariah carey to children's songs. It was believed in the aboriginal culture that everything has a song to them. Every tree or stone. We can sing our way to anything you believe in. Wow. Cool, right?

Our favourite dance is the skinnmarink dance now. I would repeat this song again and again and hold you tight and just sway away in our own world. This is such a warm and loving song. This song is just bursting with love.

Skinnamarinkydinkydink. Skinnamarinkydoo. I – Love – You! Skinnamarinkydinkydink. Skinnamarinkydoo. I – Love-You!

I Love you in the morning, in the afternoon.
I love you in the evening and underneath the moon.

Skinnamarinkydinkydink. Skinnamarinkydoo. I – Love – You!Skinnamarinkydoo, I – Love – You —

Yeah, I love you every single moment, Marsh.

When I learnt thet we will be doing this song in your kindermusik class, I am simply delighted. We dance together in a sea of love with all the mummies pausing to tell their little ones : I love you. This is the moment when all mummies are all caught in their own moment of bliss with their own special one.

The feeling is just so magical. I hope this good feelings will rub off on you, dear.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Marsh and me

Wish upon a star

I remember how much I loved Christmas as a child. Love the festive spirit along with the Jingle Bells everywhere I go. There's mayhem in the shops. My favourite song is I am wishing for a white Christmas.

However, being a non christian growing up in a chinese family, it is not a tradition for us to celebrate Christmas. So christmas as a kid was normally spent infront of the telly watching how Mickey and Minnie celebrate christmas with their friends. And then the last 7 christmas were spent celebrating your cousin Val's birthday because she was born on Boxing Day.

But since your arrival, I have started a christmas tradition so that we can both enjoy this magical time that I was deprived of.

I have made a wish secretly last christmas. I want to bring you to meet the real santa claus at santa claus Village when you turn six. I believe at that age you would be able to understand and appreciate the meaning of christmas.

Done all the research. We have to fly to Rovaniemi in North Finland to visit Father Christmas. It is going to be a long journey but I am sure you will love it.

I want you to learn all all about christmas traditions and history there where everything is happening before your eyes. You can peek into Santa's secret workshop, and see where all the magic happens. Saws a-swishing, hammers a clattering and christmas music playing....

Wow. I am so excited at the thought and cant wait to savour this magical moment with you!

Crossing my finger and hope my wish can come true.

Monday, June 1, 2009

My Marshmellow turns 10 months

My Marsh just turned 10 months today! And you are just shy of 2 months to turning ONE. OMG. I cant believe this.

Time passes so fast and you are changing so rapidly. Those magic moments maybe lost to memory. I am just glad that I have started this Blog of Dreams. To keep a close record of my little one is really well worth the the trouble.

I am just contented to be your memory keeper for now.

First Birthday Bash!

Seems like many mommies around me are busy making plans for the big first birthdays parties. Sorry Marsh, I had decided not to have a big bash for you this time round. Moreover with the passing on of your great grandma recently, it doesnt seems too appropriate to have any big celebrations now.

In fact I was really pressurised when I learnt that most mommies are making big celebration plans. I do not want to deprive you of anything. And it really means alot to me for you to turn one. Therefore, I am not writing off this celebration. But instead I want to celebrate this in a very meaningful way.

I am going to hold a small and cosy celebration at home. Only inviting our close family members. This is going to be a gathering of the people who love and care for you.

I want to celebrate your birthday in the memory of your great grandma. I am sure she is going to be very happy to see the whole family gather together again.

I want to give you a memorable birthday, Marsh.

Bought you this chocolate teether when you turned 7 months on the 1st March 2009. Glad you like it!

My Grandmother

It has been more than a week since my last entry. I have no idea what to tell you. I guess I am not ready to accept the fact that my beloved granny had passed away on the 23rd May 2009. Around 4pm when both you and I were attending your second LNT's class.

Although the family has been told that her final day was near. I was still in denial when the news broke. My dearest granny. I miss her greatly. I cannot believe that she is gone.

I am still looking for a closure. But I cant find it anywhere. Not when I saw her on her deathbed, not when they were finally covering the coffin, also not when the coffin was slowing being push into the urn and definately not when I saw her ashes and bones the next day.

I then realised that there will never be a closure. She is my grandmother. And she will always live in my heart.