A Day at Philips Island

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Grasshopper's Concert

9 May 2009

Went to watch Grasshopper's Concert tonight. Yes dear, you are right. Grasshopper- A boy band who was very popular in the 90s. Not some kind of bugs... In fact, I have been looking forward to it for the whole week.

I enjoyed the concert. I always enjoy going for Live concerts. The atmostphere just energise me. You may find it hard to believe that I used to idolise Anita Mui and Leslie Chung in my younger days. Love them and their canto hits... But unfortunately, both passed away in the year 2003. Yeah, I lost both my idols within a year. Sad, isnt it?

I remembered the feelings vividly when I learnt about their deaths. A strange feeling of emptyness. I mean, I dont even know them in person but it felt like I am losing some part of my life. Gone. Forever.

Tonight's concert was special. Grasshopper did a medly of Anita Mui's and Leslie Chung's songs to honour them. In the midst of it, I can actually feel and hear them again! It was as if they are alive again. I was feeling their presense through Grasshopper. Their Legends continue.

At that moment, it all make sense to me. You are here to complete my life. When the day I am gone, you will be continuing my life in your very own special way. And memories are forever...