A Day at Philips Island

Friday, February 26, 2010


Our family folks continue to usher in the New Year simply by gathering again for one more dinner before the festival ends. So this year,we went to the Pine Valley's restaurant at the Laguna Country Club for our traditional 'LoHei'.

It was your first "LoHei" with the folks. Meals together with the spolit Valerie, Vanness terror and tyrant Marshy means no peace. It's a blend of wistfulness, innocence and noisy bantering.

Jolly banter aplenty. ANd there never seems to have enough time when you are having fun.

The doting grandparents.

Mama, let me order, ok?

Preparation work for the'LoHei'.

Seriously 'LoHei Ing'.

Look how focused you are with the pair of chopsticks.

This is cool! Another round?

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