A Day at Philips Island

Friday, July 31, 2009

Look Who is Talking?

I have been wanting to record this but keep forgetting. You have always been a talkative and interactive baby. You started to jabber since you were like two or three months old. And you started to say PaPa to the delight of your most favourite person when you were 6 months old. Then you proceeded to say mama, bird, tap, bread, popo.....

And when you turned 9 months old, you started calling your daddy- DAD. Yeah, you would go: Dad, Dad, Dad.... You never fail to greet him every morning when you wake up or when he comes home from work. You would point at him with your forefinger and say: Dad. This never fail to melt his heart every time!

You also started calling me : Mom. But you dont call me readily or spontaneously. You would only call out to me: "Mom" when you want me. Alot of people are surprised that you dont call me mama or mummy but 'Mom'. yeah. I told them that you are my little maid.

You love to imitate our activities. When you see us on the phone, you would pretend to put your hand to your ear and blabber non stop. And recently you have started to talk on the phone. Haha.... You would grab my handphone at every opportunity and press the redial button..

I caught you many times talking non stop on my handphone. I thought you were just pretending but then I realised you actually pressed the redial button and started to talk to the other party. You would smile and laugh and go ehhehhhehhh for the longest time. Most of the time, you will call your grandmother or auntie G. And you guys can be on the phone for like 20 mins???? And that day, I met my friend and she was like: your daughter called me the other day to chat. Ummm...excuse me.. my 11 months daughter called you on the phone to chat? Now I cant help wondering who else has she called to chat??

And sometimes when I asked you to pass the phone back to me, you would shake your head and put your forefinger to your lips and ask me to sshhhh. OMG! You mimic us subconsciously. You learn through observation and repetition. These behaviours are passed to you unconsciously through our repeated behaviour. I really have to demonstrate the right values I expect of you by living it out myself.

Oh yes, this is unbelievable but you started indicating your wants and nos since you were like 2 months old? Your grandmother and I would asked you if you want your milk and you would go ehhehhehh upon hearing that. And sometimes you would shake your head to say no. In fact you shake your head quite often and I got concerned because I never see young babies shaking their heads before. I know I am paranoid but I started linking shaking heads with fits. But after some research, I realised that babies shake their head to show their displeasure like when they feel cold or uncomfortable. This is very true for you. You would normally shake your head besides telling us that you are full and also when you are sleepy.

YOu are one baby who is not afraid to indicate your preference.

And your grandmother is very proud that she managed to diaper train you when you were 2 months old. Every morning before your bath, she would put you on the bed and unfasten your diaper. Then she would say : Mmmmmp.....mmmmmmmp...mmmppp. And strange enough, you learned to pick up this cue and poo! So every time when we go mmmmp.... you would spontaneously start to try. You would try till your whole face turned red. So you were considered diaper trained when you were 2 months old!

You are just one incredible baby who never fail to amaze me with your developments every month. Will blog more of your little steps taken and milestones soon.

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