A Day at Philips Island

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Run, baby, run!

I know , I know, this entry is seriously overdue. It was sitting in the draft folder for the longest time but anyway, the pictures looked too good to miss. We had another wonderful playdate with Issac and Julius again. The airport has since became our favourite hang out place. The place is seldom crowded during weekdays and the kids have plenty space to run.

And after we said goodbyes to Keri's dates, as usual, I brought you to the same spot to run loose. And as usual, you had a rolling good time bouncing around in your white sneakers. And this time with little red elmo. You ran amok in the vast space. It's the kind of run only children do - arms swinging like wild waves, glee-full faced. I watched you sprint off in a distance and stopped and laughed your head off. No qualms and fear about falling.

That childlike spirit is so aspiring. I hope one day, I'll run like you. Two arms swinging, smiling, squealing and beatific. And not minding the all funny looks I'll be getting from the tourists and passerbys.

Check out Julius's mischievous look on his face! He is such an adorable baby!

Keri insisted on accompanying Issac by sitting next to him in their strollers.

Elmo, are you ready for a run?

Here we go!

I dont care about poise and posture, Mama. I just want to run!

This is the way to RUN!

Want to join me? Pls call my mama's handphone to make appointment.

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