A Day at Philips Island

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A New Kind Of Joy

It was a Sunday. A perfect day out. Daddy was determined to bring us to the Beach. Even the greyish sky didnt deter him. Nope. It's not going to rain. Daddy declared.

And he was right. It was a decoy. The sun resurfaced while we were heading to the beach. There were sand stains on our knees. And gorgeous glow on our cheeks.

We were baked in the sun and blessed by the breeze. Marshy was equally amazed by both the gigantic aeroplanes and the colourful kites which flew just above our heads.

We had a great time and came back with wonderful pictures and memories. You are besotted by the sandcastles, blue skies and waters. On the way home, you kept repeating in the car : Beach... More Beach.

I'm soaking in every minute with my little family.

We'd be back. For more. Marshy, pls remember the fun times we had. Won't you?

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