A Day at Philips Island

Monday, June 1, 2009

First Birthday Bash!

Seems like many mommies around me are busy making plans for the big first birthdays parties. Sorry Marsh, I had decided not to have a big bash for you this time round. Moreover with the passing on of your great grandma recently, it doesnt seems too appropriate to have any big celebrations now.

In fact I was really pressurised when I learnt that most mommies are making big celebration plans. I do not want to deprive you of anything. And it really means alot to me for you to turn one. Therefore, I am not writing off this celebration. But instead I want to celebrate this in a very meaningful way.

I am going to hold a small and cosy celebration at home. Only inviting our close family members. This is going to be a gathering of the people who love and care for you.

I want to celebrate your birthday in the memory of your great grandma. I am sure she is going to be very happy to see the whole family gather together again.

I want to give you a memorable birthday, Marsh.