A Day at Philips Island

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cool Gals Read

If I have to name a sacrifice I had made for you since you came to this world, it would be the time I have for reading has reduced significantly. I love to read and I miss those long afternoons spent at Harrods or Times. I used to never forget to lug around a book just like I will not forget your diapers these days.

We used to spend many hours lounging at the airport during your first year. You would have your milk and take afternoon naps while I sip my starbucks and have a good read. But we stopped going there for a while due to the H1N1 issue. Now we are back again. I brought you to the major bookstores and most of the Expo Book Sales. And library is next on my list.

I believe kids who grow up surrounded by books will more likely than not read earlier than children whose experiences with books are less significant. So I am trying to make books a daily part of your life so as to bring about an enthusiasm for reading and listening to stories. I really hope that in today's technology dependent world, you will inherit your Dad and my love for books which I feel is important not only for your literacy development but reading will open new doors for you to other parts of the world, new ideas, new concepts, new innovations.

There are a plentiful of beautiful children's books at the bookstore. I had started 'Keri's Library of treasures' and hoping to grow the collection. I bought those durable board books specifically for babies and also books with vibrant illustrations and flaps with characters underneath them. You also inherited from your cousins a number of books that enable you to explore your sense of touch by feeling a woolly sheep. (Will elaborate on the books we had read later)

There are so many books to choose from and sometimes I am at a lost. But perhaps the single most valuable book I can count on to help me to promote the love of reading in you is the book titled Babies Need Books by Dorothy Butler (Heninemann,1998 ed). The author, a new zealand literacy specialist is an advocate of reading to children from birth. This book provides a comprehensive list of suggested titles from birth til you turn six.

So my dear Marsh, let's embark on this reading journey together! I sure hope I am able to raise a reader. Happy reading for life!

My Marshmellow checking out her inherited book.
Wow. This is cool!

I am busy reading, mum!

Cool Gals Read!

Ok.... This book is interesting.

I have to finish the book first, mum! I can't put it down!

They say that readers are the leaders that others follow. I better start reading!

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