A Day at Philips Island

Thursday, December 31, 2009


So much for enjoying the festive holidays-We were grounded because my marsh was down with a flu. It all started with a runny nose for a couple of days. I gave you the medication for the runny nose but it didnt get better. Instead it developed into a stuffy nose and a slight Phlegmy cough. PHLEGM!!!! The most feared word in my existing vocabulary due to your unpleasant encounter with it 16 months ago. Daddy and I fled to the PD on Boxing Day with you in tow. Phew! Dr Cheng said you had a mild flu and your lungs were clear. Phew Phew! You cannot imagine my nervousness.....
We went ahead to attend your cousin Val's party.
But the damn flu bug was persistent. You felt warm all over on Monday and your temperature hovered in the 37 range and you woke up couple of times in the night due to your stuffy nose and coughing fits. So we hurried down to Dr Cheng's again on Tuesday. The good news was- your lungs are clear! ! But the bad new was that you had a secondary infection and that explained your fever. We were given antibiotics and 4 other kinds of medication. I can live with that as long as the phlegm leave your lungs alone. Yes, I can live with that. Even though you turned into a monster when it is medicine time.
The next few days saw me stressed and drained trying my best to get some medication into a screaming, kicking toddler with no success. I was exhausted. We wrestled again and again over medicine taking and I guess I lost. (As well as lost my temper and resorted to screaming at you). I gave up and used the last alternative- to add the medicine into your bottles of warm milk or yogurt. Most times this works but sometimes it doesnt. I can still live with that.

I am exhausted, baby. I really am. Pls get well soon. Mummy loves you.

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