A Day at Philips Island

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's FUN In the Night Garden

After almost 2 years of being a mummy, I have come to realise that babies change their minds fast. Without any warning or signs to look out for. You used to love eating Babymelts and Mueller Little stars yogurt. And this foolish mummy stock up heaps of them so that you 'll never run out of supplies. But one day, you woke up and decided your palette has changed and looked at the once 'Yummy' snacks with disgust.

Once upon a time, you were so impressed and besotted by Barney. To my dismay.You live and breath Barney and again mommy bought Barney pillow, Barney cups, Barney DVDs, Barney books and the list goes on.

And history has to repeats itself.

One day, you just stopped watching Barney. And now you are obsessed with Daisy. And I mean OBSESSED. Daisy, Daisy... makka pakka... iggle.. from the UK programme- In the night Garden.

But I am silently happy that you have finally fallen in love with the show. It is one of the shows that I approve and like as well. (OMG. Did I say APPROVE?) But I am just not sure how long is this interest going to last. And this time round, darling. I am restricting myself from getting all the toys, stickers, products related to the show. Not to mention that they are not easily accessible in Singapore. I have to order from the on line stores.

This show is about a community of toy characters in a magical place call the night garden that exists between waking and sleeping in a child's imagination. How sweet and cool can that be?These characters are so lovable and the whole show is fill with bright colours, flowers and imaginary figures that weaves a love of innocence and purity. It may not be the usual educational children programmes that are bursting with educational values. But I love it for its simpleness, creativeness and its own sense of humour. I hope that would impact on your imagination powers and give you the capacity to be creative and imaginative. And most importantly, In the Night Garden is about fun and inspiring.

These are the development benefits I have always hope to ins til in you on your journey to having a simple but inspiring and fun life! So stay tuned, Marshy!

Marshy's favourite character- Daisy.

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