A Day at Philips Island

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Do Babies Need Christmas Gift?

As mothers, we all , to various extents, carry a baggage of our pasts, we all try to recreate a good facets of our childhoods and to compensate for the painful ones. The memory of what we did and did not receive as children shapes- some would say warps- our approach to motherhood. We try to give our children (and by proxy ourselves) what we lacked as children. For some, it's financial security, a nice house, an unending supply of beautiful clothes and toys (I am guilty of that) Others give guidance and boundaries, a focus on goals and achievement. Still others consider laxity, freedom and unconditional love.

What I most want to give you are the one thing I didnt have in a childhood filled with pets, books, music, christmas celebrations, barefoot summer holidays by the beach and a pony when I turned 13. Haha. Material things aside, I want to, I need to give you a happy mom. And I am working on it. I am out to be happy. And that is a personal quest no one but I can judge, fulfill, imitate or envy.

So now that the Christmas is approaching, I would like to give you a keepsake or treasured gift that you can cherish for years to come. I have given this alot of thought recently. But do you really need christmas gifts when we are buying tons of things for you periodically? Maybe Not. But having said that, I guess it's important to create memories. I dont want you to look back in your photobook in years to come and wonder : How come Santa did not bring you anything that year?

So I am going to gather some gifts given by the people who care for you and let you rip them open and take some cute holiday pictures. What I am going to really give you as your christmas gift this year- more time with you and a Child Sponsorship Programme under your Name.

I have contacted World Vision to sign up to sponsor a child in Mongolia. While we are living a comfortable life here, I want you to grow up realising that another child at your age is leading a totally different kind of life at the other side of the world. While you are getting pretty clothes and amazing toys, the kid probably longs for clean water, basic healthcare or education.

I hope you will grow up and understand the meaning of my christmas gift to you this year and be a kind person. I hope you will cherish this gift for the rest of your life.

Merry Christmas to you, my darling!


  1. This is an absolutely beautiful post Sharon. Keri is such a lucky little girl, and her sponsored child as well. Many blessings to you both.

  2. Thanks Cons! Just doing my bit and hope Keri will turn out to be kind! Warm wishes for you and Issac too!
