A Day at Philips Island

Thursday, May 27, 2010

ET Phones Home

We are a movie loving family. Daddy and I used to go for late night movies very often (pre keri time). ANd even now, we still watch lots of DVDs. And we love watching replays of our favourite shows. We made efforts to catch replays of some classics on HBO. And some time back, we managed to catch ET- The extra Terrestrial again together with Marshy after so many years.

If you have watched ET before, you'd be familiar with the following scenes when ET was wrapped in a towel.

And guess what did I see when I was tucking you in that night?

Did they say role playing is one of the most important kinds of imaginative play for toddlers? Well, you definitely excel in this area.

You wrapped yourself up in your blue blanket and sat very still for a long time -pretending to be ET.
Finally you turned and looked up at me and said: Mama, Baby Phones Home!

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